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Craftindex does not collect information on visitors, but we do collect ip addresses and use cookies.

This site uses cookies to keep track of when you last visited the site in order to display a popunder ad and to track site usage. You can disable cookies using your browser's file menu.

Craftindex collects and stores members' email address, name, and site information. All of this information is made available to visitors of Craftindex to allow them to read information about your site and visit it.

The password you provided Craftindex is used to identify you prior to modifying your contact and site information. Sophisticated computer hackers have demonstrated an ability to capture passwords and use them to disrupt normal operations. If your password is short and easy to guess, casual - unskilled hackers can guess your password and alter your site.

At this time Craftindex does not distribute or sell any information you provide to third parties, but we may in the future. If you do not want us to distribute this information please do not provide it.

Craftindex is committed to data security, but as mentioned in the "Terms of Use" we can not guarantee this security. Craftindex limits web modification access to your data using the password you provided, but our web hosting company has unrestricted access to this information. Craftindex has no control over limiting our hosting company's access to this data.

If you fail to provide an accurate email address you will not receive feedback from readers of your site, and you will not receive site updates via email.

Feedback given by users is collected and stored on computers maintained by Craftindex so that others can read the feedback.

You can contact us at craftindexmail@yahoo.com with any questions or concerns.

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